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High School 9:12 Launches Social Media Education Seminar

JACKSONVILLE, FL - High School 9:12 launches a new pilot program, a social media seminar educating students on the First Coast. The social media seminar will be a series held across various high schools on the First Coast. It will feature four panelists who can speak on behalf of how social media has impacted them, positively and negatively.

The first one will be held at Mandarin High School on April 6th at 9:15 a.m. in the auditorium. Panelists will speak on topics such as mental health, career impact and education. 200 Mandarin High School student-athletes will be in attendance.

“The goal of this new program is to provide students the proper education on the impact that social media can have on a young person’s life and how they can use it to their benefit,” said Alan Verlander, Executive Director of High School 9:12. “We have seen how social media can be detrimental to students, but also highly positive too. High school 9:12 hopes to grow this program and create genuine education for our students.”

Social media has already had an impact on so many young students. “This is a great opportunity for our student-athletes to learn the importance of being positive on social media. We appreciate High School 9:12 and their commitment to providing these real life learning experiences”, said Duval County Athletic Director, Tammie Talley.

For more information on High School 9:12 and all they are doing to create a better tomorrow for students in our area, visit


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